Over the years, I’ve collected various strange and odd “health” modalities that seem to work almost instantly. They won’t cure you or change your life;
Their unique characteristic is that they take very little time and effort to implement, they don’t require special knowledge or attention to detail, and with a few exceptions, they’re free.
I decided against linking sources and research for this first draft. If the post gets any traction, I’ll start expanding on each item (+1 since first draft). So, don’t ask for explanations. Take charge of your life and experiment!
1) Tape your mouth
Buy micropore medical tape (Leukosilk on Amazon is my go-to recommendation), and tape your mouth with a small piece before going to sleep.
2) Inclined Bed
Place 3-4 books under the head of your bed so it’s raised a few inches.
3) Sleep on your left side
Right side is ok too but do left side if you can.
4) Sit on the floor most of the time
Alternate between sitting and standing when working.
5) Very hot bath to drop your core temp before sleep
Your body will dump heat.
6) Create personal mantras associated with different tasks
Before studying, touch your thumb with your index finger. Once you finish, do the same using the other hand and say “I’m finished.”
7) Leave your windows slightly open
More negative ions and allows the full spectrum of sunlight inside.
8) Hang upside down for 2-3 minutes
Same as the one below but mostly improves circulation and other stuff.
9) Put your legs up
Against the wall. For 10-15 minutes at a time. Helps lymphatic drainage and removes fluid buildup.
10) Facial massage
Touch and press your face in weird ways.
11) Diaphragm and ribcage massage and abdomen massage
Get under your ribcage with thumbs or knuckles. Massage both sides and then across the ribcage as well for extra pain. Now do the abdomen too.
12) Use a toothpick after food
More saliva.
13) Touch grass
Grounding. Walk on wet grass.
14) Hum intentionally when you’re stressed
15) Stay still for 10-15 minutes
While standing. *chinese accent* More energy for you.
16) Eat a raw carrot salad
Or any kind of insoluble fiber. Thanks Peat!
17) Create magnesium oil
Mix magnesium chloride and water and apply to your body. Thanks Grim!
18) Cold plunge from the waist down
On your knees. Cold water below your waist. Good.
19) WATCH the sunset and sunrise light
Goes without saying.
20) Go to sleep before 11 pm
Boring, sure, but better for glymphatic drainage. More deep sleep.
21) Pinch/massage the squishy part between thumb and index
For 1 minute on each hand.
22) Plants in your house
Choose plants that produce oxygen during the night.
23) Use colors and scents
Especially in your bedroom. Citrus smell and earth colors. Just try it, damn it.
24) Cycle albuterol
2 puffs. Before exercise. 1 week on, 1-2 weeks off.
25) Pinch of baking soda in water
Extra bicarbonate.
26) 90/90 hip lift with a hip shift
Well-known PRI modality. YouTube is your friend.
27) Hold breath until strong air hunger
Move your head up and down. Rest for 30s. Repeat 6 times. Good for unclogging your upper respiratory system.
28) Use your non-dominant hand
To brush your teeth, to hold a cup, to press buttons.
29) Mewing
It won’t make you pretty but it helps to open up the airways.
30) Dermaroller
It’s fruity, I know. Whatever.
31) Put mental reminders
Use your brain like an alarm clock. Say you’ll wake up at 8 am, and eventually, your brain will obey.
32) “1-2 cigarette per week”
Low risk, low reward. This isn’t medical advice, idiot.
33) Red light therapy
Fire is better than the bulbs but whatever is available.
34) Learn to play music
Imagine being 30+ years old and not knowing how to play a few tunes on the keyboard.
35) Play chess (for a short time)
For 2-3 months until you hit a hard barrier and can’t progress anymore. That’s enough.
36) Dance once a week
Or do some kind of movement that coordinates the body with a rhythm and breathing pattern.
37) Zero Input
Once a week - no phone, no music, no writing, no reading, no TV. Don’t consume anything outside of social interactions.
38) Do 1 uncomfortable thing every day
It has to be intentional. Uncomfortable enough to feel hesitation but not too much so that you fail or abandon the challenge.
39) Cure Insomnia
Spend 1 night outside. Don’t sleep for 24 hours. Spend most of the day and night outside. Cures insomnia.
40) Cure Tinnitus
Hands behind your head, a few inches above your neck. Snap index fingers from middle fingers, tapping the back of your head. Doesn’t work for the chronic type.
41) Place cotton in your left shoe
Enough to feel it. Walk.
42) Walk 10,000
43) Sleep on the floor
For back pain. You can use 2-3 blankets.
44) Keep sand from the beach
In a bag. In your home. Replace once every 2 weeks
45) Many small breathholds
When you’re walking or sitting. 5s after exhalation.
46) Cure allergies
*Local* raw honey, pine pollen, and royal jelly 2 months before spring.
47) Orangejuicemaxxing
Replace water with orange juice when you’re cooking
48) Stretch more than you lift
49) Eat food under direct sunlight.
When possible.
50) Add Chai Hu
To your tea or coffee
51) Griftmaxxing
BreatheLess Practice goes hard.
52) Fall in love
… amor fati. Find an obsession that will consume you. Stop debasing yourself by consuming mindlessly anything that poisons your mind and soul. Escape the low-energy state that increases your affinity for attachment to tribal groups that hijack your identity, slowly eroding your sense of self until you can only experience the world through an external filter. Commit to the great work by attempting to reach summa perfectionis, refining the function of your body and the mechanics of your mind until you can finally perceive reality sans naive attachments and fantasies that serve you in the way you want to be served, for time is the only enemy you have, yet the only friend who joins you in the path to overcoming the vicissitudes of fate; Saturn, the first boundary of material reality stands in your way, and you have to make a covenant only to kill Him when it’s time; yours and His time.
53) Dead Hang from a Bar
3 sets of 20 to 60 seconds, 2-3 times per week. Try hanging from your ankles too a few times.
Alright, I’m running out of time. I think that’s enough for now. Try a couple of them. Don’t be lazy.
- Hyde
33. Never thought of this…of course it’s almost universally everyone’s favorite place is in front of an open fire/fireplace!
No 5. Should be dump not dumb.