I've had intense, feverish dreams when I was in the process of rapid control pause increases. Going from ~25s to ~35s+ specifically, or climbing over 40s. In my peak-CP, I don't have many dreams but when they happen they're outlandish for sure.
I try to achieve moderate air hunger -> but when kind of need to add a full breath (belly, chest, everything) and also feel quite a lot of tightness in my throat, and sound funny when i speak afterwards.
1) should i only have so much airhunger that belly breathing alone is enough?
2) should i try to nasal restrict my breathing? Is there a seperate exercise for this?
That's the difficult part. It takes practice. You should resist the urge to take a full breath but at the same time, I get the feeling that you're overdoing it. So, yes, I'd suggest that you keep the level of air hunger low enough so that you can maintain abdominal breathing and slowly increase intensity (even within the main session), WHILE your control pause score increases.
And no, it's necessary to restrict your airways this way.
Hyde, did you also experience DMT (ayauascha like) dreams at night in your best times of peak-CP?
I don't know if it was hypoxia / hypercapnia or just DMT release from the buteyko intense practice,
was curious to hear your opinion
I've had intense, feverish dreams when I was in the process of rapid control pause increases. Going from ~25s to ~35s+ specifically, or climbing over 40s. In my peak-CP, I don't have many dreams but when they happen they're outlandish for sure.
ahahah glad to hear, thanks for the response!
Thank you. This is really helpful and explains some things I’d not understood before.
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it.
I try to achieve moderate air hunger -> but when kind of need to add a full breath (belly, chest, everything) and also feel quite a lot of tightness in my throat, and sound funny when i speak afterwards.
1) should i only have so much airhunger that belly breathing alone is enough?
2) should i try to nasal restrict my breathing? Is there a seperate exercise for this?
That's the difficult part. It takes practice. You should resist the urge to take a full breath but at the same time, I get the feeling that you're overdoing it. So, yes, I'd suggest that you keep the level of air hunger low enough so that you can maintain abdominal breathing and slowly increase intensity (even within the main session), WHILE your control pause score increases.
And no, it's necessary to restrict your airways this way.
It's *not necessary
Thanks a lot that!
About how long should we elongate the pause for in Exercise One? Is the aim to be like 6 seconds or like 10?
It's more important to regulate the level of air hunger, so it'll depend on your personal tolerance.